Pro Pack
Slate-ish is easy enough for nearly anyone to install, but there are times when you want to install faster, larger areas, or more like “regular” tile. Our Pro Pack has one major difference: adhesive is not included.
For larger areas, mastic may be preferred, and though we don’t recommend this for beginners, anyone with experience can certainly knock out an area much faster with mastic and a trowel.
See our ADHESIVE page for more info on recommended mastic (must be purchased elsewhere). The tint packet can be used to darken the mastic, and make gaps or squeeze out less visible.
Our Pro Pack includes 15sf of Slate-ish Tile, but unlike our standard 12sf cases, they do not include adhesive.
For larger installations, and for experienced installers, we recommend a mastic adhesive.
Read more about our ADHESIVE recommendations. -
15sf per Case
Tile size is 1.5” x up to 12” random length
Tile thickness is 1/16” to 3/8”, with the thickest tiles making up about 20% of the total
Box size is 12×12×3”
Weight is approximately 17lbs per case
We recommend OmniGrip mastic for larger areas.
This mastic, with the addition of our tint packet, removes the need to have a dark painted substrate to disguise any eye-level small gaps.
See our ADHESIVE page for more info!If you decide to use 100% Silicone, you can also order in bulk from Silicone Depot
You sure can!
Keep in mind that this Pro Pack does NOT include adhesive, like our 12sf Cases do. T
he intention for these Pro Packs, is to be used with Titebond FRP Mastic, and troweling on adhesive can be more difficult (and messy) than you’d think.
However, you can still use the tile in this pack with Silicone adhesive, but you’ll have to purchase that separately. See our ADHESIVE page for more info!
Our Pro Pack is intended for experienced installers, or advanced DIYers.
Yes, Slate-ish installs piece by piece. This may seem time consuming, but the benefits over panels are significant.
1) No visible vertical seams. Panelized wall systems have a visible pattern, which makes them look more artificial.
2) Ultimate flexibility. Mix colors, create layout patterns, work around small or complicated areas with ease.
3) Start and stop whenever you need to.
4) Less waste. You can use every piece of Slate-ish - even drop from any cuts you make, so there’s no need for expensive overages.
This tint packet is intended to be used with Titebond FRP Mastic (see our ADHESIVE page for details).
It’s a super concentrated pigment that takes the mastic from a light cream color to a darker gray. This color change means that you don’t have to paint your substrate a dark color - the mastic will help disguise any small eye-level gaps between tiles!
One tint packet per gallon is the normal mix, but you can use less if needed to more closely match the tile you are installing.
USE CAUTION when handling these packets - the concentrated pigment means you won’t easily clean it off of floors or walls, and don’t even get us started on clothing or carpet!!!
Tint is NOT necessary with Slate-ish Pro Panels.