Mitered Corners + Adhesive

from $128.00

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  • Tiles are cut in pairs from the same piece, so that they match going around the corner.
    There are 4 thick pieces per linear foot - which pairs with a thinner piece by cutting the thick piece with a special angle blade.
    See more about corners on our Installation Videos page.

    There are 8 rows of tile per Linear Foot.

  • 8 Lineal Feet of mitered corners.
    Coverage is approximately 8 square feet.

    Includes one 10 oz tube of Clear 100% Silicone Adhesive.

    Each Lineal Foot of corners has a combination of the following:
    4 Thick Pieces - varying lengths
    2 Thin Pieces - full length
    5 pairs Thin Pieces - varying lengths

    See images below

  • Anywhere you have a 90 degree corner (outside corner).
    Great for bumpouts, returns into windows or nooks, or just plain turning a corner.

  • Nope - but it’s much easier for us to cut them than it is for you!
    Though you can alternate overlapping edge tiles from row to row instead, these mitered cuts make your installation look cleaner and more professional.

  • Measure how many inches of corners you need, then divide by 12. This is how many LINEAL FEET you need. For example, a fireplace bump out with a corner on each side, and an 96” tall ceiling would be 96” x 2 sides = 192”. 192” / 12 = 16 lineal feet.
    If you measure your entire project for total square feet, you can then subtract the number of lineal feet (because one lineal foot is equal to about 1 square foot) that you need in corners.
    We are happy to help with the math if you need it! Drop us an email with dimensions and pictures and we’ll get you straightened out.